Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blogging, socks, and other things

Well, I haven't posted in forever. I also have no followers (thank you kind one person who commented). Now maybe it's because my writing style is just so Urbane and sophisticated it's above everyone's heads, but more likely it's because in six months I've posted twice. Well, this shall no more be.

To start my renewed blogging career (that didn't exist), I've decided to split my blogging in three. I make stuff, I make food, I make thoughts. Henceforward there shall be three blogs for my three makes. And this is for making stuff. I'll link to the other ones some day. Maybe. If I actually start them. The point is, no more recipes on here. Just stuff.

So what have I been making? Heres the quick list:

a very nice wrap shirt I patterned
Some little hand warmers no one wants
a 14 foot scarf
some yarn


I don't even know all that's passed, and I'm not going to try to document it all pictorially. There will be pictures next week. But pictures of things I'm making, and maybe a little how-to. Those things would be

A bra (yes always)
vegetable tanned leather soft-sole shoes!!!!! (no more wet feet, I'm tired of wet feet. You can't water proof brain tan and still have it look pretty)
some really awesome wrap dress/under tunic/covered in embroidery thing. Yes.

So, next week pictures. Maybe even of the things I just mentioned.